Friday 24 October 2014

Evaluation: This master shot genre is horror with the subgenre zombies. The conventions are seen through the mis en scene, camera, sound and edit. The zombie conventions in the mis en scene is the pace of the characters,. The victim is fearful and is attempting t run away from the zombie. e victim isn't running away in a very fast manner, they are escaping fast than the zombie but slower than running. This was because the zombie wasn't that close to the victim so they didn't run faster they needed to. The manner in which the zombie was chasing after the victim was very slowly. This has been done because zombies don't run very fast as they are dead and don't have the same energy as living creatures. Further more, the scene was set place inside a building along the corridor and up the stairs. Zombie movies don't usually take place in a forest far away in the woods, they sometimes take place in a public environment such as a school or hospital. In this case, it is set in a school where there are many6 victims which can easily turn into zombies. Another factor which shows the conventions is the camera. The camera shots in zombie movies vary. Sometimes they show it from the zombies perspective, sometimes from the victims and sometimes from a longshot/medium shot. In this master shot we have used different shots. There is a close up, medium shot, and longshot. The medium shot was used to see the zombie or victim from either perspectives, showing the audience the distance between them two. The music which has been used was non diagetic in order to create suspense and mood. The heart beat represents the heartbeat of the victim highlighting fear and horror. Also diegetic sounds were added as the zombie makes noises to scare her victims. This shot has had no edit or shot shots, it is one consistent shot throughout. The editing on the shots were only the sound added and effects. It has been placed in black and white to represent dullness which links in with the zombie. The things that went well in this shot is the sound which has been used due to it being appropriate and linking in with the subgenre. Also the camera shots, mis en scene and editing all contributed to make the genre clear by showing the conventions. What could have been better is the ending, it wasn't clear to the audience what was happening and had questions as to why the character at the end was smiling.

1 comment:

  1. Please check through your work to ensure that you have made sense.

    ebi - develop greater precision in your use of media terminology to analyse your own work. How would you improve your work - be more specific.
